Instrument Panel Indicators
Instrument Panel Indicators
The instrument panel indicators provide messages and warnings in regards to the
vehicle's operating status. The color of the indicators correspond to the level of
• Red (warning)
• Amber (caution)
• Green (active status)
• Grey (passive status)
• White (informational)
• Blue (active status)
If the vehicle is equipped with the Maintenance System and it is enabled, the
Maintenance System will alert the operator, via the instrument panel, when
maintenance is due for any of the components monitored by the system. The
Maintenance System adjusts the maintenance intervals by monitoring vehicle
parameters over the life of the vehicle. After performing a maintenance interval
reset, the maintenance system will collect data for the next fifty hours before the
next interval prediction is calculated. Consult the vehicle's Driver/Maintenance
manual for details about the Maintenance System and which components it
A detailed description of each of the instrument panel indicators can be found in the
vehicle's driver manual. If the instrument panel indicates a malfunction, the
operator has the responsibility to take action to avoid equipment damage.
Gen 5 DD Platform Operators Manual
All information subject to change without notice.