Cooling System
A radiator/thermo-modulated fan cooling system is used on Detroit™ Gen 5 Heavy
Duty engines. This system uses a water pump to circulate coolant within the
engine. The thermostat controls the flow of coolant. The thermostat is mounted on
the inlet side of the cooling system and regulates coolant flow from the radiator
into the engine. The thermostat regulates coolant flow to control the temperature of
the coolant within the coolant circuit. The following benefits are a result from
regulating the coolant at the inlet temperature side of the engine:
• Reduced thermal cycling of the engine
• Operating temperature is reached faster
• Improved vehicle heating because of better temperature regulation
Always use coolants that meet Detroit™ specifications . Failure to maintain the
cooling system at required concentrations or using coolants that do not meet
Detroit™ specifications will result in premature wear or engine failure . For a
listing of required cooling system service intervals, Refer to section "Preventive
Maintenance Tables". The "How to Procedures" section of this manual contains
additional information on "How to Select Coolants".
Electrical System
Electrical System
The electrical system used in Detroit™ Gen 5 Heavy Duty engines consists of a
starting motor, starting switch, battery-charging alternator, storage batteries, and
necessary wiring. For information on the Detroit Diesel Electronic Control
(DDEC®) system Refer to section "Detroit Diesel Electronic Controls System".
Engine Brake System
Engine Brake System
The Detroit™ Gen 5 Heavy Duty engine may be equipped with an engine brake.
Before operating the vehicle, the operator must become familiar with the engine
brake system to obtain optimum benefit from it. The engine brake control systems
may vary slightly, depending on the engine brake configuration and cab options
design. However, basic operator controls are similar for all models. For information
on how to operate the engine brakes, Refer to section "How to Operate the Engine
Exhaust System and Exhaust Gas Recirculation System
Engine Systems
All information subject to change without notice.