FREEDOM DC-60 v2.4 (04/2021)
Page 19
1) Membranes maintenance
Over time, it is normal for the flow to drop by 10 to 15%.
If yield/output is no longer satisfactory, you should consider replacing the membranes.
The output volume of your watermaker is established within the first 24 to 48 hours of
operation. The fresh water output depends on the salinity and temperature of the seawater,
as well as on the working pressure of the membranes.
Rinsing the membranes can improve the yield/output.
2) Rinsing frequency of the membranes
It is therefore not necessary to rinse the membranes after each use. Rinsing them too often
can lead to premature deterioration of the membranes.
There are two methods to flush the system: one manual and the other automatic.
Both methods use the water in the boat's tanks.
It is necessary to rinse the watermaker if it is not going to be used for several days.
Reminder: All flushing procedures should be done with the
motor/pump block off
The biggest enemy of membranes is
pressurized fresh water
In case of risk of frost, we recommend emptying the flowmeter
located on the control panel, disconnect the output pipe (blue)
and blow or inject air into this pipe while alternating pressing
on the small button of the solenoid valve located at the back
of the control panel. You should also protect your membranes
against the cold using blankets or insulation.