Page 4
Front Panel Assembly Steps
First, insert and solder low-profile parts
1) Insert and solder R1-R52.
2) Insert and solder IC-A through IC-E (or sockets).
3) Insert and solder C1-C6. Note polarity on C6.
The following instructions for installation of the switches and LEDs assume you have an Altair Clone cab-
inet. If you’re installing in an original Altair cabinet, follow the instructions in the original manual for me-
chanically aligning the switches and LEDs while soldering into the PCB.
Use the front panel mounting bracket from the Altair Clone cabinet as a jig to help install the front panel
switches, S1 through S25.
Do not attempt to solder the switches without using a jig
Note: The following pictures are from the Altair Clone assembly manual, so the PCB looks a bit different
than the 8800c front panel board.
Ignore the LED orientation/polarity shown in the pictures
1) Prop the front panel bracket an inch or two above your work surface and orient the bracket as
shown in the picture below. Note,
the APEM switches are blue, not red as show in the picture
2) Place the power switch, S1 (toggle switch with silver terminals) in the bracket (far left corner as
pictured). Notice that each switch has a slot in the threaded bushing. Orient the slot of all switches
away from your view as you place them in the bracket.
3) Place S2-S9 (momentary switches with gold terminals) in the eight holes across the bottom of the
bracket (row furthest away from your view). Again, orient the slot of all switches away from your
view as you place them in the bracket.
4) Place S10-S25 (toggle switches with gold terminals) in the 16 holes above the eight momentary
switches. Again, orient the slot of all switches away from your view.