SecurAccess SIP PMR – User Guide EN
conditions - ‘In the night’: are lighted according to surrounding light conditions independently on
call conditions - ‘During night call’: are only lighted during a call and in the dark.
Light intensity (%):
enter the LEDs light intensity.
Labels light:
in the drop-down menu, select the label display-keypad-buttons backlighting
options. ‘Never’ - ‘At night’ - ‘Always’
Light intensity (%):
enter the LEDs light intensity.
Daylight lower threshold
: adjusted by default.
Daylight upper threshold
: adjusted by default.
IP VarioBell
Number of buttons on basic module
Expansion buttons count
Keyboard connected
Click on
button to save modifications.
6.2. Audio settings
Via the ‘Extended settings’ page, select ‘Audio’
Note: audio presets are optimized in factory, we do not recommend any modification.
Speaker volume:
the loudspeaker volume can be adjusted, in dB.
Microphone gain:
the microphone sensitivity can be adjusted, in dB.
Echo limiter threshold:
Echo limiter attenuation:
Echo limiter samples:
Note: echo,
default settings are usually sufficient for most situations. A wrong adjustment may
affect the audio quality of conversations.