UPDATE : 21/02/2014
complying with EN353-1, or simply hold the cable with a counterweight (Figure 1) or spring (Figure 3) and thus obtain a flexible system in
accordance with EN 353-2.
As the cable is tight, it does not damage the structure and vice-versa.
Required tools
: “10” key, “13” key. One of them must have an eye or must be opening
: In accordance with the structure (figure A, B, C, D, E), screws and (possible) accessories are supplied for setting the lower part
according to one of the 5 cases
Prepare the lower part on the upright being careful to line up the lower part, the intermediate binding and the upper binding,
Set up the lower part with braking nuts and M8 washers
The installation of such a set does not demand a tightening with a torque wrench. The supplied screws and (possible) accessories
have been studied to fit to your case, should you have any doubt about the installation, contact us !
Install the tension system in accordance to one of the 3 figures hereunder:
Mount the set according to one of the 3 cases, first adjust the length of the cable (with the thimble and cable clamps) then assemble the elements.
The tension of the cable will have to be adjusted after.
Be careful with the assembling way of the different installations!
In installations 2 and 3, the tension of the cable is “manually” adjusted, tightening more or less the M12 nut. The tension must be about 30daN, the
manual tightening of the nut is enough to reach this effort. This tension is:
- In installation 2 : length L= 83mm
- In installation 3 : Elongation of 80mm
Be careful not to tighten too strongly the M12 nut, this could produce a dysfunction of the system.
In installation 1 (flexible system), the tension is made by the counter-weight (between 5kg and 7kg for AMSAR and 6Kg for AMSAF), there is no
adjustment to do. The quick link has to be used only to limit the distance of the cable.
After assembling the set, it is important to check the lining up of all the bindings between each of them, if necessary proceed to a
new adjustment and check the tension of the cable.
The maximum number of users connected on the anchorage line is limited to 1 person.
Before any operation on a vertical anchorage line system, we recommend to take the required arrangements for a possible rescue in total safety.
For security reasons, and before each use, make sure that in case of fall, the space under the feet of the user is sufficient to avoid a collision with
the ground and that no obstacle is present on the trajectory of the fall.
Take extra necessary precautions in the climbs and descents at a height of less than 2 m above the lower parts because there is a risk of touching
the ground before total braking of the device. Indeed, with a mass of 100kg and a situation of fall factor 2, the minimum distance required under
the feet is 2m.
The weight of the user including his clothing and equipment must not exceed the maximum weight marked on the fall protection device.
This equipment is for the sole use of people trained, skilled and in good health, or under the supervision of a trained and skilled person. Warning!
Certain medical conditions may affect user safety; if any doubt, consult your doctor.
Before and during use, we recommend that you take every precaution necessary for a potential safe rescue.
Chemical products: remove the device from service should it come into contact with chemical products, solvents or combustible materials that
could affect its operation
The access way for a rescue has to be always free.
On cable, you will find:
CE0333 marking, identification of the Manufacturer: DELTAPLUS® or FROMENT®, identification of the model, batch number, the standard with
which the product complies, the pictogram of the instructions of use.
A signage panel must be installed next to the anchorage line. It must include information on the maximum number of users and type of sliding fall-
arrest device appropriate to the anchorage line. DELTA PLUS GROUP sells signage panels upon request.
Before each use, check that the system works correctly and check particularly:
- that the product has no visible distortion
- that it has no oxidation marks
- the state of the cable
If any doubt about the installation or after a fall, its use should be stopped until a qualified person authorizes in writing its reuse
The upper anchor point and the cable are safety elements, you will have to bring a particular attention when the visual inspection is
No modification, suppression or addition of elements must be made without consulting the manufacturer before. The missing or defective parts will
be replaced by origin parts, only supplied exclusively by the manufacturer. Should you have any doubt, it is compulsory for your safety to have an
inspection of the installation, made by the manufacturer or a competent person, appointed by him.
It is recommended to ask for an inspection of the system:
- after a fall,
- every 12 months,
by the manufacturer or by a competent person appointed by him.
The vertical anchorage system installed this way has to be used with the corresponding sliding fall arrester (ASCAB 2 or 3) and a full body harness
Before any use, read carefully the use recommendations for each component of the system.
For your safety, we remind you that the ASCAB 2 can only be used on a galvanised flexible cable whereas the ASCAB 3 can be
indifferently used on galvanised or stainless steel rigid or flexible cable branded DELTAPLUS® or FROMENT®.
No particular maintenance.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Screw cable clamp
must be positioned
stranded asset side
and not on the side
strand death.