Figure 17 Schedule settings tab
See Figure 17; the Schedule tab is divided into three blocks.
Enable control plan: After the control plan is enabled, UNOcentral will control the
ventilation equipment linked to UNOnext according to the definitions in the control plan.
It can take effect immediately after switching.
Create a new plan: You can create a schedule based on the year (this year and next year),
working day, time period, schedule mode and then create a new control plan when
enabling control. Maximum of 4.
Current plans: View details of the currently established control plan of UNOcentral; you
can also delete it.
Here is an example of establishing a control plan:
Select the year, decide whether to Pre-Select Work Days, and then Create Calendar. Figure
18 is the result of selecting 2020 for the year and enabling the Pre-Select Work Days to
Create Calendar It is currently an unedited control plan without any schedules.