PQC Series
Static Var Generator
This manual contains important instructions and warnings that you shall follow during the
installation, operation, storage and maintenance of this product. Failure to heed these
instructions and warnings will void the warranty.
Copyright © 2022 by Delta Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved. All rights of this User Manual
(“Manual”), including but not limited to the contents, information, and figures are solely
owned and reserved by Delta Electronics Inc. (“Delta”). The Manual can only be applied to
the operation or the use of this product. Any disposition, duplication, dissemination,
reproduction, modification, translation, extraction, or usage of this Manual in whole or in part
is prohibited without the prior written permission of Delta. Given that Delta will continuously
improve and develop the product, changes may be made to the information in this Manual
at any time without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. Delta will
make all possible efforts to secure the accuracy and the integrity of this Manual. Delta
disclaims any kinds or forms of warranty, guarantee, or undertaking, either expressly or
implicitly, including but not limited to the completeness, faultlessness, accuracy, non-
infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the Manual.