Copyright © 2016 DELTA Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
NovoPRO User Manual 2.X
Notes: When sending a file, the system will check to make sure any prior file transfer is completed.
If not, an error message will pop up. You will have to resend the file when the current transfer is
completed. Receiving
Upon receiving a file, a screenshot, or a webpage link, you will be prompted with a notification
dialog, such as the following.
4.3.3 Troubleshooting and rules about File Sharing
If you attempt to share a file while nobody else is in the session, you will be prompted with
message: “No recipient. Nobody else is online.”
If you attempt to start a file transfer when a prior transfer is still in progress you will be
prompted with message: “System is busy. Please try again later.”
File transfer is limited to 10 MB. If the transfer size exceeds this limit, you will be prompted
with message: “Failed to Send; file exceeds size limit (10 MB).”