InfraSuite - CoolDoor
Water Volume Equilibrium
If the main pipeline pressure drop is high, or the distance between the individual
CoolDoors is relatively long, it is easy to cause water imbalance. Unbalanced water
volume can easily cause insufficient water volume at the last of the CoolDoor; or when
controlled by a 2-way control valve, it can cause drastic changes in the water volume of
other CoolDoors, which will make the overall waterway system unstable.
Delta recommends using pressure independent control valve, which can achieve the water
balance function, without TAB adjustment and through precise flow control methods, the
water volume of each CoolDoor system can be completely controlled independently.
Since the main pipeline design is not Delta's design and the Delta’s CoolDoor
adopts a 2-way control valve, Delta cannot guarantee the CoolDoor system water