Regarding the more detailed procedures, you can refer to Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
for more details.
Note: In 2010, ASIX Electronics releases a new AX110xx RS-232 to Ethernet
application tool named AXR2E Configuration Utility and a new VSP driver for the new
tool. The new tool integrates VSP Manager, DS Manager and several other useful tools.
If you have installed the older version of application tool on your environment, we
strongly suggest users to remove the older version AX110xx RS232 to Ethernet setup
program first before installing this new AXR2E Configuration Utility.
3.2.5 Testing Procedure
Step 1: Power on device server 2 (Server)
Step 2: Wait for several seconds till the AXR2E Configuration Utility [Search] function
find the device server 2 successfully.
Step 3: Power on device server 1 (Client)
Step 4: Wait for several seconds till the AXR2E Configuration Utility [Search]
Function find the device server 2 successfully. At this moment the status field of
both device servers in Device Status List should display “Connected”.
Step 5: Test data generated on Client sonsole will be displayed on Server console and
test data generated on Server console will be displayed on Client console
3.3 Toolkit Software Setup
AX110xx RS-232 to Ethernet Toolkit includes the VSP (Virtual Serial Port) driver, and the
AXR2E Configuration Utility.