This part is for initiating data streams to a remote
IP and TCP port. You can initiate it using an IP or a
hostname. Data can be in ASCII or HEX format.
This part is for receiving sessions on any desired
TCP port. Data is displayed in ASCII or HEX
formats. You can log and edit the data adding Date
and/or Time stamps if needed. TCP Client Communications (Initiator)
Initiating data sessions to a remote location and TCP port is easy.
Enter the Remote IP or HOSTNAME and the desired destination TCP port.
Since this is where you want the data to be sent, it assumes that there must be
something listening for the packet at that location. The default is ‘localhost’
meaning it will send data to itself.
Enter the Data to be sent. Type into the box or paste text from another application.
Select the required data format and framing type. Most text will be ASCII. Most
machine or coded data will be in HEX format. Add Line Feeds and/or Carriage
Returns as needed.