According to Figure 11, device server 1 is configured as a client and device server 2 is
configured as a server. In addition, a HyperTerminal runs on PC1 as the client console to
send and receive serial data to/from UART-2 of device server 1 via COM2, and another
HyperTerminal runs on PC1 as the server console to send and receive serial data to/from
UART- 2 of device server 2 via COM1.
Both device servers and PC 1 are connected to a LAN hub (or switch). If the “DHCP
Client” function is enabled on either one or both device servers, it is necessary to run a
TFTP/DHCP server program on PC1. The AXR2E Configuration Utility running on PC1 is
used to configure device servers.
3.2.3 Server Mode Setup
Device server 2 will set to “Server” mode by using the default setting.
3.2.4 Client Mode Setup
Because the default setting of connection type is “Server” mode, before start the testing
procedure, device server 1 has to be configured to “Client” mode.
Step 1: Power on device server 1.
Step 2: Use AXR2E Configuration Utility to search the device server.
Step 3: Use AXR2E Configuration Utility [Device Setup] function to change the device
server from Server mode to Client mode with proper settings of destination IP address
and port number. (According to above testing environment the destination IP is device
server 2’s IP address and the destination port is device server 2’s data listening port