Rev 2022-03-08
Pharmafill Model TC4 User Manual
Deitz Company Inc.
TC4 User Manual
COUNTING SENSOR (revised 2022-01-19)
Detects solid (opaque) product and translucent or clear product, such as gel caps.
Automatically and continuously adjusts light level for maximum sensitivity
Compensates for dust buildup and sets alarm if conditions become marginal.
– How Much The Light Level Must Drop To Count.
When the light in the counting window is unblocked, the sensor detects 100% of the
light. When an object falls through the window, the light is blocked. If the threshold
size is set to 40%, the sensor will send a count signal when 40% of the light is
blocked; that is, when the light level falls below 60%. The sensor will reset when the
light level rises above 60% again. This is the factory setting and works with most
products. The threshold can be reduced to as low as 5%.
Adjustable in 5% increments
Light bar 1=5%
Light bar 8 = 40% (factory setting, most products)
THRESHOLD FACTORY SETTING = 8 (good for all but the smallest pills)
ONE-SHOT DELAY ADJUSTMENT – How Long the Count Signal Stays On.
This is a feature for CLEAR PRODUCT ONLY. It is used to stretch the count signal
so a product with a clear center does not produce a “double” count. Normally set at
the minimum (5 ms) for solid product. For clear or opaque product, increase the one-
shot according to the length of the product. For example, 10 ms for round gel caps
.25” long, or 40 ms for oblong gel caps .90” long.
Adjustable in 5 millisecond increments
Light bar 1 = 5 ms (factory setting, for solid product)
Light bar 8 = 40 ms (for long clear products)
ONE-SHOT DELAY FACTORY SETTING = 1 (good for all solid product)
With ANY product, if the ONE-SHOT DELAY is set too high, it will cause
OVERFILLS (too many pills in the bottle)
With CLEAR product, if the ONE-SHOT DELAY is set too low, it will cause
UNDERFILLS (too few pills in the bottle).