Access lock
Activates access lock.
Alternative start
Activates alternative start.
Select L1L2L3 phase rotation
Activates L1L2L3 as phase rotation direction
Select L1L3L2 phase rotation
Activates L1L3L2 as phase rotation direction
M-Logic and AOP alarms
Output, Command - M-Logic and AOP
M-Logic alarm [1-5]
Activates the M-Logic alarm. Configure these alarms in menus 3570 to 3610.
M-Logic ext alarm [1-4] : Start
extended timer
Starts the timer configured in parameters 3621 to 3652. Use the parameters to select the
units for the timer and configure the alarm. When the timer runs out, the alarm is activated.
Auto reset
: The timer is automatically reset when the alarm event is no longer present.
Manual reset
: The timer is paused (but not reset) if the alarm event is no longer present.
The timer thus corresponds to the total time that the alarm event is present. The timer is
only reset when the M-Logic reset command is used.
M-Logic ext alarm [1-4] : Reset
extended timer
Resets the timer.
General purpose PID commands
These commands are only available for genset controllers.
PID [1-6] activate
Activates the PIDs.
PID [1-6] force min. outp.
Forces the PID output to minimum.
PID [1-6] force max. outp.
Forces the PID output to maximum.
PID [1-6] reset
Resets the PID outputs.
PID [1-6] freeze output
Freezes the PID outputs
Modes for genset (Output, Modes)
Island function mode.
AMF (Automatic Mains Failure) function mode.
Peak shaving
Peak shaving function mode.
Fixed power
Fixed power function mode.
Mains power export
Mains power export function mode.
Load take over
Load take over function mode.
Power management
Power management function mode.
Remote maintenance
Remote transformer maintenance.
Dry alternator
Dry alternator function mode (DVC 550 required).
Application note 4189341276B EN
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