the date of refusal by the Guarantor about execution of obliga-
tions resulting from the warranty or ineffective lapse of time for
their execution.
To all matters not settled in this Warranty Card and document the
provisions of the Civil Code Art. 577 - 581 shall apply.
The "48h Service" program covers equipment manufactured by
DEFRO Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Any complaints are to be made at a sales outlet or directly at the
Company on fax. no. 41 303 80 85, e-mail: [email protected], or
by a letter to company’s address.
Fault registration can be completed if the Purchaser has a pur-
chase confirmation and has filled in the Warranty Card correctly
including a complaint sheet.
The DEFRO Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. "48h service" does its best to re-
move any faults which make it impossible/difficult for the equip-
ment to operate within the period of two business days from the
day of fault registration.
Fault removal time may be prolonged for reasons not dependent
on DEFRO Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., such as the necessity of replacement
of construction elements, lack of spare parts at the supplier, ad-
verse weather conditions /force majeure/.
Failure to carry out repairs within this period cannot constitute a
ground for any claims against DEFRO Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. and Au-
thorized Service Partner.
To facilitate contact with service, service hotline for Customers
has been set up: 509 702 720 and 509 577 900. If you call on
these numbers, you will receive necessary information and help
with any service issue.
We kindly inform that possible replacement of equipment compo-
nent, with the working one, claimed by the user is not unambigu-
ous with admission of equipment user’s warranty claims and does
not end the complaint processing procedure. DEFRO reserves the
right to charge the equipment’s user with component replace-
ment/repair costs, which after expertise/repair was stated as dam-
aged by the factors independent of the boiler’s manufacturer (e.g.
short-circuit in electric system, overvoltage, flooding, mechanical
damages not visible to the naked eye etc.) and which damages
were not able to stated during repairing in location of equipment
operation by the service, within 60 days from date of carrying out
the repair. DEFRO will issue an appropriate invoice for replace-
ment/repair of the subject component with enclosed expertise
protocol. At the same time we inform, that lack of payment for the
invoice including the above-mentioned costs within 14 days from
its issuance results in irrevocable loss of warranty for the used
equipment and this information will be entered into our computer
supervision system for equipment within the warranty period. The
date when the due amount is credited to the bank account given
in the mentioned invoice is treated as payment date.