To position the tape, move the Testex
replica tape to
the back of the probe and align the two dots (printed on replica tape)
with arrows on both sides of the measurement opening.
If you are using older Testex
replica tape that does
not have the printed dots, simply align by centering the tape within the
measurement opening.
Once positioned, firmly press both probe buttons simultaneously and
hold until the the measurement is displayed. During measurement,
a constant anvil pressure is applied to the replica tape regardless of
how hard the two buttons are pressed.
The PosiTector
probe automatically subtracts the 50.8 um
(2 mil) of incompressible polyester film. No further adjustments are
Calibration, Verification & Adjustment
Calibration, Verification & Adjustment
Calibration is the high-level, controlled and documented process of
measuring traceable calibration standards over the full operating range
of the probe, and verifying that the results are within the stated
accuracy of the probe. Calibrations are performed by the manufacturer,
their authorized agent, or by an accredited calibration laboratory in a
controlled environment using a documented process.
probes ship with a Certificate of Calibration showing
traceability to a National Metrology Institution. For organizations with
re-certification requirements, probes may be returned at regular
intervals for calibration. DeFelsko recommends that customers
establish calibration intervals based upon their own experience and
work environment. Based on DeFelsko’s product knowledge, data and
customer feedback, a one year calibration interval from either the last
date of calibration, date of purchase, or date of receipt is a typical
starting point.
Written Calibration Procedures are available online at no charge.