Dedicated Micros ©2010
u 2000
When de-selected here, the ‘Remote Reporting’ menu will no longer
be displayed in the
menu tree.
Webcam Support
Select this option to activate the Webcam function. This allows the
unit to emulate a webcam and send image from one video feed in
webcam format, refer to ‘Network Settings->Web Cam’ for more
When de-selected here, the ‘Web Cam’ menu will no longer be displayed in the menu tree.
Email Reporting
Select this option to activate the Email Reporting function, refer to
‘Network Settings-E-mail’ for more information.
When de-selected here, the ‘Email Reporting’ menu will no longer be displayed in the menu tree.
Text in Images
Select this option to activate the Text in Images function, refer to
‘Analytics & Text-Text In Image’ for more information.
When de-selected here, the ‘Text in Image’ menu will no longer be displayed in the menu tree.
System features Network
Secondary Web Port
If the default port setting for web serving has already been allocated,
it is possible to configure a second port number i.e. the secondary
web port can be set to 8000 if the default web port (80) is blocked by
the network or firewall.
Use Record Profiles for Tx
For Tx Select this option when units required Video Transmission
profile (rate/quality/resolution) is identical to that being recorded.