Dedicated Micros ©2010
u 2000
Live trans
The unit transmits live images using JPEG or MPEG formats.
The NetVu Connected remote viewing software will use the settings configured on this page as the defaults
for JPEG & MPEG; High, Medium and Low settings.
Filter By
High LAN/Medium WAN/Low VLBR This shows the transmission settings configured for a High quality
LAN (Local Area Network) connection, Medium quality WAN (Wide
Area Network) connection or a Low quality VLBR (Very Low Bit
Rate connection).
Settings can be established for JPEG and MPEG compression.
For MPEG and JPEG transmission, select image resolution settings
(4CIF, 2CIF, CIF or QCIF).
For JPEG, the figure entered will be the size of the JPEG transmitted
(in Kbytes).
JPEG file sizes can be configured in the range of 5-45Kb.
For MPEG4 the figure will be the bit rate allocated. A higher rate will
provide better quality picture display.
MPEG bit rates in the range of 45-2500Kbits/second.