5. How do I use the flour measuring cup correctly?
- Using the flour measuring cup, scoop one full cup. Use a flat edged
tool to level the excess flour on the top of the cup. This level cup serves
1-2 people (around 0.35 LBs).
6. Why are my noodles or pasta cracked or uneven?
- Uneven mixing of flour may result in cracked or rough textured noo-
dles or pasta. Add eggs or adequate cooking oil to make the noodles or
pasta smooth.
- If possible, tear the noodles or pasta into small, peanut-sized pieces
and press “Extrude” button.
- If there is inadequate liquid, remove existing Mold and replace with
another one. Add adequate water and press “Extrude” function. Repeat
this process a few times until pasta is smooth.
7. How do I remove the flour that is stuck in the Mold?
- Let the flour in the Mold dry. The dried flour will fall off easily when the
Mold is knocked on a hard surface.
8. Are there any special requirements for the type of flour used in noodle or
pasta making?
- We recommend using medium or high gluten flour that does not
have a high water content.
9. What do I do if there is flour in the Mixing Chamber after the noodle or pas-
ta making process?
- Switch off the Pasta Maker. Take the remaining dough and lump it
together before putting the dough ball back into the Mixing
Chamber. Press the “Extrude” button to recommence the noodle or
pasta extrusion process.