Assembly Guide
Turn the housing so its rear panel is facing you. Pass cable ties through the two sets of holes (outlined in red) and do up the ties to
secure the cables for the X-axis limit switch, as shown above. Trim the excess from the cable ties with scissors.
Put the X-axis limit switch cable together
with the X-axis motor cable and bind them
to the housing with the upper cable tie
inserted (but not tightened) in Stage 39.
Add the Z-axis limit switch cable to the
bundle of the X-axis limit switch and motor
cables at the lower cable tie (Stage 39),
and do it up.
Trim off the excess from the straps of the
ties and turn the housing so the front is
facing you so you see how the cables
have been fixed in place.
Turn the housing so its right panel is facing you. Pass cable ties through the two sets of
holes (outlined in red), and do up the ties to secure the cables for the Y-axis limit switch,
as shown above. Trim off the excess from the cable ties.
Move the Y-axis limit switch cable into the
gap between the power supply and the
housing, as shown above.
Cable in gap
Secure the limit switch cables to the housing