DBL Technology Co., Ltd.
GoIP User Manual
Technical Support: [email protected]
this parameter is enable, GoIP will check the content of each SMS. If the content matches the
Trigger String for an SMS Reply, GoIP then creates a message with the content equals to Reply
Content + the SIM card phone number of the sender. This message is then sent back to the
Set Trigger String for an SMS Reply = the SMS Content. This SMS Content is the message content
of the sender.
Set Reply Content = Text before SIM Phone Number. This can then enable the sender to be able
to retrieve the SIM Phone Number.
Set SMS Service Number = the phone number of another GoIP channel.
Set SMS Content = Trigger String for an SMS Reply
Set CID of the SMS Response = the phone number of another GoIP Channel (same as the one set in
SMS Service Number).
Set Text before the SIM Phone Number = Reply Content
Backup / Restore
The device configuration can be backup or restore via this page. Click [Backup / Resotre Confguration]
to access the page shown below.
To backup the device configuration, just click [Save] in the Backup Configuration section. If a password
is required when restoring a saved configuration, enter a password before the backup.
To restore a saved configuration, choose the configuration file in the Restore Configuration section and
then click [Restore]. Enter the password if required.