DBL Technology Co., Ltd.
GoIP User Manual
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Talk Time Limit (m)
There are 3 ways to define the Talk Time Limit for a SIM card.
Total talk time allowed without any time limit
When the accumulative talk time of a channel reaches this limit, the
corresponding SIM card is disabled. The accumulative talk time is
reset to zero when the SIM card is replaced or when clicking the
icon in the Status Page. The other alternative
is to use the special SMS command described in Appendix A.
Syntax: <limit>
<limit> is an integer.
Talk time limit for the period specified
When the accumulative talk time within the period defined reaches the
value specified, the SIM card is disabled for outgoing calls until the
period expires. If there is an overlap between two periods defined,
the first period takes priority. The next period starts from the end of
the first period. If there is a gap between two periods, the talk time
for this gap is unlimited. It is important to note that the Talk Time
Limit is reset automatically to the one defined when the period defined
begins. There is no need to reset a SIM via the webpage in this case.
Syntax: <period1, limit1>|<period2, limit2>|....
<Period> is defined in 24-hr format with starting and ending time
separated by a "-".
<limit> is an integer specifying the talk time limit for the period.
Example 1: 00:00-24:00
This specifies a time period of one day starting from 00:00 till the end
of the day.
Example 2: 08:00-12:00,100|12:00-20:00,200
In this example, the first period starts from 08:00 till 12:00 with a talk
time limit of 100 minutes. The second period starts from 12:00 till
20:00 with a talk time limit of 200 minutes. From 20:00 till 08:00 (the
next day), there is no talk time limit.
Talk time allowed monthly
This sets the monthly accumulative talk time allowed monthly. The
accumulative talk time is reset to zero automatically at 00:00 of the
same <d> of the next month.
Syntax: D<d>, <limit>
<d> specifies which day of the month.
<limit> is an integer specifying the talk time limit for the month.
Example: D5, 1000
In this example, the 5
day is the start of a month and the talk time
limit is 1000 minutes.
Note: By default, SIP Registration is disabled when a SIM card is disabled.
To change this default, select the [Enable] option for SIP Registration when
Talk Time Limit Expires in the SIM Page.
Drop Call (when the
Total Talk Time Limit
This parameter specifies if the active call is dropped or not when the Total
Talk Time Limit expires.
Talk Time Limit (m) /
This sets the limit for the maximum talk time per call. When this limit is
reached, the call is dropped automatically.
Billing Increment (s)
This is a call duration measurement unit expressed in seconds. Depending
on your service provider, some services are measured and billed in sixty
second increments (one minute) or the billing increment may be in
durations of six or even ten seconds.
SMS Alert Number
This specifies the GSM number to receive a SMS Alert on the Total Talk Time.
If this parameter is blank, no SMS Alert will be sent.