DBL Technology Co., Ltd.
GoIP User Manual
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Example: SIP Trunk Gateway2 = 123.124.125.x
This example shows that Calls originated from to are accepted.
Call routing to a GSM channel is now based on the Routing Prefix of each GSM channel (Line x). The
channel selection algorithm is the same as the one described in the Single Server Mode. The syntax for
the Routing Prefix is defined in the Parameter Table for Single Server Mode. For received GSM calls, they
will be routed to SIP Trunk Gateway1 provided that an unique IP is used.
SIP Registration is only supported for SIP Trunk Gateway1. Fill in the SIP registration information as
required. The Re-Register Period must be set to a non-zero value. If SIP Registration is not required, the
Re-Register Period must be set to zero.
The parameters available in this mode are listed in the table below.
(Trunk Gateway mode)
Default Value
SIP Trunk Gateway1
This specifies the first SIP Trunk Gateway address. Use "X' or "x" for
the last part of the address to specify the entire segment (0 - 255).
SIP Trunk Gateway2
This specifies the second SIP Trunk Gateway address. . Use "X' or "x"
for the last part of the address to specify the entire segment (0 - 255).
SIP Trunk Gateway3
This specifies the third SIP Trunk Gateway address. . Use "X' or "x" for
the last part of the address to specify the entire segment (0 - 255).
SIP Registration to Trunk Gateway1
Some Trunk gateway connection requires a SIP registration which can be defined via the following parameters.
Phone Number
This specifies the phone number for the SIP registration.
Authentication ID
This specifies the authentication ID for the SIP registration.
This specifies the password for the SIP registration.
Re-register Period (s)
This specifies the period for sending a re-registration request.