DBL Technology Co., Ltd.
GoIP User Manual
Technical Support: [email protected]
The device can be configured via its built-in http web server or via an Auto Provision Server. Auto Provision
Server is a free utility supporting both Window and Linux OS. This utility is developed for the sole purpose of
automating the configuration of our products. It is available in our website for free download. This user
manual only focuses on the device configuration via its built-in http web server.
Please note that only window based Web browsers, such as IE and Chrome are supported. Both Firefox and
Mozilla may not work properly depending on the version and the operating system used. If you are having
problems in configuring your device with your existing Web browser, please try one with lower version or a
different Web browser and report the problem to us.
HTTP WEB Server Login
There are two methods to access the built-in web server.
Method 1 is to access the built-in web server via the LAN port. The LAN port is set to DHCP mode as a
factory default. When you connect it to a network with a DHCP host, it will obtain an IP address from
the DHCP host automatically. The IP address assigned to the device can be obtained via the DHCP host
or via one of the following methods.
Dial the SIM number of anyone of the GSM channels available. Once the call is answered, dial “*01”
to hear a voice prompt reporting the LAN port IP address.
Send the “###INFO###” SMS command to one of the GSM channels available. An SMS with the LAN
port IP address is sent back to the message sender. Please refer to the Appendix A Special SMS
Commands for more information.
Once the LAN IP address is known, you are now ready to access its built-in http web server by typing its IP
address in the address field of a web browser.
Method 2 is to access the built-in we server via the PC port. As a factory default, the PC port IP is preset
to Connect a computer to the LAN port of the device and configure its IP to 192.168.8.x (x
= 2 to 254). Type the IP address in the address field of a web browser.
Once the IP address is entered, the login window shown on the right pops up. Enter the user name and
password. There are three levels of access via three
different user names.
Administrative Level -This offers a full access right
to all parameters available in the built-in webpage.
The user name and password for the
administrative level are "admin" and "admin"
User Level - This level restricts user from accessing
the Call Setting page. User will not be able to
change any VoIP related settings. The user name
and password for the user level are "user" and
"1234" respectively.
SMS Level - This level only allows user to access the
Send SMS and SMS Box functions under the Tool
menu. The user name and password for the SMS
level is "sms" and "1234".