B E L K Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
v . 1 . 0 . 9
modules. The PL configuration data is referred to as a
The addition of hardware programmability to the hardware and
software interface imposes new requirements on design flows.
Please refer to section 3.2.1 for an introduction to the Xilinx
Zynq 7000 development tools (Vivado® Design Suite and Xilinx
Software Development Kit).
BORA/BORAX Embedded Linux Kit (BELK for short) provides
all the necessary components required to set up the developing
environment for:
configuring the system (PS and PL) at hardware level
build the first-stage bootloader (FSBL)
building the second stage bootloader (U-Boot)
building and running Linux operating system on
BORA/BORAX-based systems
building Linux applications that will run on the target
DAVE Embedded Systems
provides all the customization
required (in particular at bootloader and Linux kernel levels) to
enable customers use the standard Zynq-7000 development
tools for building all the firmware/software components that
will run on the target system.
March, 2016