B E L K Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
v . 1 . 0 . 9
launching the
git fetch origin
Please note that git fetch doesn't merge the commits on the
current branch. To do that, the developer should run the
command or replace the ''fetch-merge'' process with a
git pull
command. Please note that the recommended
method is the ''fetch-merge'' process. For further information
on Git, please refer to the official Git Documentation
For instructions on how to update the repositories from BELK
2.1.0 to BELK 3.0.0, please refer to section RSA key generation
For getting access to the Git repositories, a ssh key is required.
Please follow the procedure reported below to generate the
RSA ssh key (we assume that the ssh package and the required
tools are installed on the Linux development server):
select your username (ad es. [email protected])
start a shell session on the Linux host
enter the
subdirectory into your home directory:
cd ~/.ssh/
launch the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
this command creates the files
('''private key''') and
~/.ssh/[email protected]
edit your
adding the following lines:
Host git.dave.eu
User git
Hostname git.dave.eu
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/[email protected]
Please send the public key file to the following email support
March, 2016