B E L K Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
v . 1 . 0 . 9
Working with BELK
The following sections describe how to perform the most
common tasks for building the software components for a
BORA-based embedded system.
Update from BELK 2.1.0 to BELK 3.0.0
To update the repositories from the previous BELK 2.1.0 to
BELK 3.0.0, the following commands should be used:
git fetch origin
git checkout -b <new_branch_name> origin/bora
Creating and building a Zynq project for BORA/BORAX
BELK provides an example Vivado project for BORA/BORAX
boards. This project allows to:
generate the FSBL binary image
generate the bitstream of a simple PL design used to
route PS' CAN0 and UART0 signals through EMIO
(see also the following pictures)
This article describes how two build this project. Two
procedures are described, the former is command line based
while the latter is GUI based.
The project is stored is a git repository, as described in section It is assumed that the Zynq development environment
has been set up properly (see section 3.3.2 for more details).
March, 2016