Board locations
Board removal and replacement
1650 kHz IF board
Antenna Tuner board
Audio/Filter board
Display board
Front panel assembly
Junction board
Mixer board
Power amplifier board
Processor board
Synthesizer board
Chassis disassembly
Component replacement
Measurement techniques
Frequency counter
RF power measurement
Signal generator
Spectrum analyzer
Semiconductor servicing
Bipolar transistors
Integrated circuits
Signal and switching diodes
Varactor diodes
Test equipment
Basic board fault location
Detailed board fault location
1650 kHz IF board
Antenna Tuner board
Audio/Filter board
Display board
Mixer board
PA board
Processor board
Supply voltages
Synthesizer board
General fault location
Mixer board
Circuit description
ALC circuit
AME option
Block diagram
Receive path
1650 kHz mixer
30 MHz low-pass filter
75 MHz crystal filter
75 MHz IF amplifier 1
75 MHz IF amplifier 2
Double-balanced mixer
LO2 buffer
Squelch gates
transmit/receive switch
Transmit path
30 MHz low-pass filter
75 MHz filter
Amplifier 1.6 to 30 MHz
Current regulator
Down-conversion mixer
LO1 buffer
LO2 buffer
Transmit/receive switch
Tx gain controlled amplifier
Up-conversion mixer
Component locations, schematics and
parts list
Component locations diagram
Parts list (009-00301)
Schematic diagram (994173)
Connector pin assignments
Coax cable connections
J1 connector
Power Amplifier board
Circuit description
Bias regulators
Block diagram
Driver amplifier
Final amplifier
Predriver amplifier
Temperature switch
Component locations, schematic and parts
Component locations diagram
Parts list (009-00403)
Schematic diagram (990990)
Connector pin assignments