Server Statistics
Shows global statistics.
Incoming Bytes – Shows the amount of data that has been sent into the server
Outgoing Bytes – Shows the amount of data the has been pulled out of the server
In Bandwidth – Shows the incoming bandwidth usage for the entire server
Out Bandwidth - Shows the outgoing bandwidth usage for the entire server
Server Uptime – Shows the amount of time the server has been powered up
CPU Usage – Shows the real-time CPU usage as a percentage out of 100
RAM Usage – Shows the real-time RAM (memory) usage in MB
Disk Free – Shows the amount of free disk space on the drive that is being used for media
storage. By default, this will be the drive DVS-200 is installed on, the media directory can be
changed under global settings.
Channel Statistics
Shows channel specific statistics.
Stream – Displays the stream name
Video codec – Displays the video codec used, usually H264
Width – Displays the video width (if supported by the encoder)
Height - Displays the video height (if supported by the encoder)
Audio Codec - Displays the audio codec used, usually AAC or MP3
Channels – Displayed the number of audio channels, usually 2
Users - Creating and managing user accounts
To create a new user account click ‘Create New User’, you will see the screen below.