Authentication required (Play)
By default, authentication is not required to view a player page or an embedded player. This means
if a player was embedded in an external website or if the URL of a player page was sent to someone
they would be able to view the channel without having to login. Checking this option will require
that the user login with a valid account before the player loads.
Upload channel logo
Here you can upload a logo, this can be displayed as an overlay on the DVS-200s built in web player,
it will also be used by the NVD-30/35 decodes when operating in set top box mode. You can select
its position using the
Logo Position
dropdown, selecting
STB Only
will result in it not being shown on
the web player.
Browser Auto play
When enabled the web player will start playback as soon as the page is loaded.
Channel tag
Here you can assign a channel to a tag, tags are like groups that make it easier to find channels. Tags
are used by the DVS-200 web interface and the NVD-30/35 decoders in set top box mode to group
Once you assign channels tags you can quickly find all channels with that tag using the dropdown
menu on the DVS-200 web interface.
After you save the channel you will be redirected back to the main web interface, to upload content
select your newly created channel. You will see the screen below.