Using the printer
User’s Guide for the Magna™ Class Printer
Most parts of the printer designed to be used by the operator are
colored green. These parts include knobs for clearing jams and
handles of supply cartridges.
After fixing the problem, close the cover of the printer.
Depending on the situation, the message box might be removed
automatically or you might need to respond. Cards still in the
printer might be ejected. Message responses include:
If a Retry button is available, the driver sends the card or
cards to the printer again. If the problem is corrected, normal
operation resumes.
If a Cancel button is available, the card is not sent to print
again. If the problem is corrected, normal operation resumes.
If only an OK button is available, the message occurred when
no card was being printed or the problem requires service. If
the problem is corrected, normal operation resumes.
If the message box disappears automatically, decide whether
to return to the card creation application to send the card to
print again.
Shutting down the system
Shut down the Magna Class printer and the PC to which it is attached
when you are done making cards for the day or will be away from the
system for an extended period of time. The printer and PC can be left
on during lunch time and other short breaks. Follow your security
procedures when leaving the printer.
Shut down the printer and system
Make sure all cards have completed processing before turning off
the power.
Press the Power button to turn off power to the printer.
MagnaUserGuide.book Page 16 Friday, May 5, 2000 1:09 PM