018717 • Version
1.1 • 23.01.2007
Functional description
Silencio operates with 2 systems and in 7 different modes.
The 2 systems, which are described in the following, are:
Air conditioning system
Heating system
The 6 modes, which are described in the following, are:
Active cooling
Free cooling
Emergency cooling
Air conditioning
The purpose of the air conditioning system is to cool the supply air in order to lower the
temperature inside the shelter.
The air conditioning system is an on/off system.
The control board is controlling the compressor in accordance with the return
Heating system
There are two purposes of the heating system:
Cold start-up conditions
Cold ambient temperatures
The heating system will be operating when the temperature gets too low in the shelter.
The heat dissipation from the heater is 2000 W depending on the ambient
The heater turns of when the return air temperature reaches 15 °C
Active cooling
In active cooling mode the
compressor, the internal fan and the
external fans are operating in order to
circulate refrigerated air into the
shelter, and to exhaust the heat drawn
from the internal air through the
condenser in the external circuit.
The Silencio will switch to active
cooling mode when the temperature in
the shelter reaches 27 °C
Set points can be adjusted, see
Continued overleaf