46512-0999 <90-00083>
The term in row 3 column 1 (6/2 CLR) is true if the alarm in
point 2 of MAP display 6 is not active (is CLR). If this alarm is
active, this term is false.
The general format for this command is the following:
display/point condition
In the above command, display is the MAP’s memory location
that contains the alarm information, and point is the number of
the specific alarm point in that display.
Condition is either SET (the usual case) if the term is to be true
if the specified alarm is active or CLR if the term is to be true if
the alarm is not active.
Device Status Terms:
The two terms in row 2 are device status terms. Terms begin-
ning with F are device status terms. The term in row 2 column
1 (F 7/1 SET) is true if the device assigned to character 1 of MAP
display 7 has failed (is SET). If this device has not failed, this
term is false.
The term in row 2 column 2 (F 3/5 CLR) is true if the device
assigned to character 5 of MAP display 3 has not failed (is not
SET). If this device has failed, this term is false.
The general format for this command is the following:
F display/character condition
In the above command, an F signifies that the term is a device
status term.
Display and character - Identifies the device being monitored.
This is the position in the MAP’s memory where the alarms and/
or controls from the device are stored. A character represents
eight points in a display. The character value 1 represents
points 1 through 8, a value of 2 represents points 9 through 16,
Condition - This is either SET (the usual case) if the term is to
be true when the specified alarm is active or CLR if the term is
to be true when the alarm is not active.
In the screen on page 50, the term F 3/5 CLR refers to the device
that has its alarms and/or controls assigned to points 33 through
40 in memory location 3.
Determining an Alarm:
To determine whether there will be an alarm condition at a
specified point, all defined terms in each row are examined. The
result for each row will be false if one or more of the terms in
that row is false. Rows containing no terms are ignored. The
final result will be true if one or more of the row results are true;
otherwise the result will be false. If the final result is true, the
alarm point in the derived display will be set; otherwise it will
be clear.