2.1.6 General Warning
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after the
equipment has been disconnected from mains. Also make
sure that other voltage inputs have been disconnected,
such as load-sharing (linkage of DC intermediate circuit ).
Using CDS302 Compressor Drives
: Wait at least 15
Shorter time is allowed only if indicated on the nameplate
for the specific unit.
2.1.7 Leakage Current
The earth leakage current from the frequency converter
exceeds 3.5 mA. To ensure that the earth cable has a good
mechanical connection to the earth connection (terminal
95), the cable cross section must be at least 10 mm
or 2
times rated earth wires terminated separately.
2.1.8 Residual Current Device
This product can cause a DC current in the protective
conductor. Where a residual current device (RCD) is used
for extra protection, only an RCD of Type B (time delayed)
shall be used on the supply side of this product. See also
RCD Application Note, MN90G
. Protective earthing of the
frequency converter and the use of RCDs must always
follow national and local regulations.
2.1.9 IT Mains
Do not connect 400 V frequency converters with RFI-filters
to mains supplies with a voltage between phase and earth
of more than 440 V. For IT mains and delta earth
(grounded leg), mains voltage may exceed 440 V between
phase and earth. Use
14-50 RFI 1
on the frequency
converter to disconnect the internal RFI capacitors from
the RFI filter to ground. If this is done, it will reduce the
RFI performance to A2 level.
2.1.10 Avoid Unintended Start
While the frequency converter is connected to mains, the
motor can be started/stopped using digital commands, bus
commands, references or via the Local Control Panel (LCP).
Disconnect the frequency converter from mains whenever
personal safety considerations make it necessary to avoid
unintended start. To avoid unintended start, always press
the [OFF] key before changing parameters. An electronic
fault, temporary overload, a fault in the mains supply, or
lost motor connection may cause a stopped motor to start.
A frequency converter with Safe Stop provides a certain
degree of protection against such unintended start, if the
Safe Stop Terminal 37 is on low voltage level or discon-
2.2 Safe Stop of the Frequency Converter
The frequency converter can perform the safety function
Safe Torque Off
(STO, as defined by EN IEC 61800-5-2
) and
Stop Category 0
(as defined in EN 60204-1
Danfoss has named this functionality
Safe Stop
. Before
integration and use of Safe Stop in an installation, perform
a thorough risk analysis to determine whether the Safe
Stop functionality and safety levels are appropriate and
sufficient. Safe Stop is designed and approved suitable for
the requirements of:
Safety Category 3 in EN 954-1 (and EN ISO
Performance Level "d" in EN ISO 13849-1:2008
SIL 2 Capability in IEC 61508 and EN 61800-5-2
SILCL 2 in EN 62061
Refer to EN IEC 61800-5-2 for details of Safe torque off
(STO) function.
Refer to EN IEC 60204-1 for details of stop category 0
and 1.
Activation and Termination of Safe Stop
The Safe Stop (STO) function is activated by removing the
voltage at Terminal 37 of the Safe Inverter. By connecting
the Safe Inverter to external safety devices providing a safe
delay, an installation for a safe Stop Category 1 can be
obtained. The Safe Stop function can be used for
asynchronous, synchronous, and permanent magnet
After installation of Safe Stop (STO), a commissioning test
as specified in section
Safe Stop Commissioning Test
of the
Design Guide must be performed. A passed commissioning
test is mandatory after first installation and after each
change to the safety installation.
Safe Stop Technical Data
The following values are associated to the different types
of safety levels:
Reaction time for T37
Typical reaction time: 10 ms
Reaction time = delay between de-energizing the STO
input and switching off the frequency converter output
Safety Instructions and Gen...
Operating Instructions VLT
CDS302 and CDS303
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is a registered Danfoss trademark/Commercial Compressor