User Guide
MES 1003 WMS
Doc no. 100837-MAN – Rev. E1 – Rev. date 2022-10
© Danfoss IXA A/S | Page 20
Updating Software
The software package obtained from Danfoss IXA consists of a directory with several files used for updating the software
suite. The entire software directory must be placed on a USB drive before it is inserted into the WMS. Make sure that only
one software folder exists on the USB drive, to ensure the intended version will be installed.
Do not turn the WMS off after beginning a software update, the WMS will automatically reboot when finished.
To update software:
1. Insert the USB drive with the software suite in the WMS
2. Navigate to the Maintenance submenu on the LCP
3. Select Update Software.
Illustration 25: Maintenance submenu
Proceed through the guide by pressing OK, and if the directory is found, the software update will begin. The update can
take several minutes. Wait for the sensor to reboot, the LCP screen may freeze during the update.
Illustration 26: Step 1
Illustration 27: Step 2
Illustration 28: Step 3
If a USB device with a valid software package is not found, the update will not start, and an error message will be
displayed. Ensure that the complete directory is present on the device and try again. Press OK to restart the guide.
Diagnostics Report
Update Software
Save Setup
Restore Setup
Software Update
Update Software
Please ensure a valid USB
drive is inserted
Software Update
Update Software
Press OK to begin
Software update
Software Update
Update Software
Updating …