DKRCC.PS.RI.A1.02 / 520H4358 - Air Handling Seq. user manual - V 2.2
Produced by Danfoss Electronics spa Graphic Department, 10-2009
Danfoss Electronics spa
Air Handling seq.
- user manual
17.3| “Alarms” Page
On the “Alarms” page, for each parameter it is possible to change:
ID code that appears on the LED display (“Code” column)
description (see Note in the previous paragraph regarding parameters)
enable state (“Enable” column)
type of reset (“Reset type” column) -1=automatic, 0=manual, >0 semiautomatic
count time for semiautomatic alarms (“Semiautomatic Period” column). If the
number of times the alarm occurs during this period exceeds the number set in the
previous column (“Reset type”), the automatic reset reverts to manual reset.
start-up delay for connected element (“Startup delay” column)
and the steady delay (“Steady delay” column),
whether it is active even when the unit is OFF (“Active with unit OFF” column),
action on the alarms relay, warning and buzzer (“Alarm relay”, “Warning relay” and “Buzzer” columns).
17.4| “Parameters_x_Model” Page
This page lets you assign the attribute “K” and maximum, minimum and default values for the parameter according
to the MCX model.
Therefore, this is the place to list all those parameters for which you want different values depending on the hardware
the program is to be run on.
If a parameter is present on this page, when you select the MCX model using the pull-down menu on the “Generate”
page, the values for that parameter for the selected model are automatically copied from the “Parameters_x_Model”
to the “Parameters” page. These will then become the new current values.
* On the “Parameters” page,
for the parameter values that
were automatically copied from
the “Parameters_x_Model”
page when the MCX model
was selected, the formatting
is modified with the addition
of italics, bold face and green
lettering. This highlights the fact
that these parameters should be
modified from the “Parameters_
x_Model” page. In fact, if the
modification is performed directly
on the “Parameters” page, they
could be overwritten when
another MCX model is selected.
17.5| I/O configuration pages
The “Digital_Input”, “Digital_Output”, “Analog_Input”, “Analog_Output” pages let you assign a function or modify the
functions assigned to each individual input/output.
The “Application Function” column lists all functions available. Of these, it is possible to modify the code and
description that appears on the MCX display during the configuration of the I/O from the user interface.
On the other hand, in the “Default setup” column, it is possible to configure:
polarity of the digital inputs and outputs, i.e. if they are normally
open or normally closed (“Polarity” column).
“Polarity = N.O.” (Normally Open) for a digital input means that it is not active when it is open; instead,
for a digital output, it means that the relay is not powered when the output is deactivated.
type, from among those available for the selected MCX model (“Type” column),
operating range of the analog inputs (“Min” and “Max” column), expressed always with the decimal point.
For the temperature probes (NTC and PT1000), it identifies the
values beyond which a probe alarm is generated.
For the active probes, it indicates the input full scale measurement value.