6.8.6 Energy meter and M-bus, general information
ECL Comfort 296 / 310 / 310B only
When using the Application Key in the ECL Comfort 296 / 310
/ 310B, up to 5 energy meters can be connected to the M-bus
Connection of energy meter can:
limit the flow
limit the power
transfer energy meter data to the ECL Portal, via Ethernet, and /
or a SCADA system, via Modbus.
Many applications with control of heating, DHW or cooling circuit
have the possibility to react on energy meter data.
To verify if actual application key can be set to react on energy
meter data:
See Circuit > MENU > Settings > Flow / power.
The ECL Comfort 296 / 310 / 310B can always be used for
monitoring purpose of up to 5 energy meters.
The ECL Comfort 296 / 310 / 310B act as an M-bus master and must
be set to communicate with connected energy meter(s).
See MENU > Common controller > System > M-bus config.
Technical info:
The M-bus data are based on standard EN-1434.
Danfoss recommends AC supplied energy meters in order to
avoid battery draining.
Energy meter data acquisition from ECL Portal is possible without
setting up the M-bus configuration.
MENU > Common controller > System > M-bus config.
Setting range
Factory setting
Information about the current M-bus activity.
Normal state
The command for initialization has been activated
The command for scanning has been activated
The command Gateway has been activated
The ECL Comfort 296 / 310 / 310B will return to IDLE when commands
have been completed.
Gateway is used for read-out of energy meter via ECL Portal.
MENU > Common controller > System > M-bus config.
Baud (bits per second)
Setting range
Factory setting
300 / 600 / 1200 / 2400
The communication speed between ECL Comfort 296 / 310 / 310B
and the connected energy meter(s).
Typically, 300 or 2400 baud is used.
If ECL Comfort 296 / 310 / 310B are connected to the ECL Portal, a baud
rate of 2400 is recommendable, provided the energy meter allows this.
© Danfoss | 2017.09 | 139
Operating Guide ECL Comfort 310, application A333