VI.KT.G6.02 © Danfoss | 2016.05 | 25
Control param. (control parameters)
Motor prot. (motor protection)
Setting range
Factory setting
OFF / 10 ... 59 m
Prevents the controller from unstable temperature control (and resulting actuator oscillations). This
can occur at very low load. The motor protection increases the lifetime of all involved components.
OFF: Motor protection is not activated.
10 ... 59: Motor protection is activated after the set activation delay.
Typically used for DHW applications. Can also be used for heating systems at very low load.
Xp (proportional band)
Setting range
Factory setting
1 ... 250 K
80 K
Set the proportional band. A higher value will result in a stable but slow control of the
flow temperature.
Tn (integration time constant)
Setting range
Factory setting
5 ... 999 s
30 s
Set a high integration time constant to obtain a slow but stable reaction to deviations.
A low integration constant will make the controller react fast but with less stability.
M1 run (running time of the motorized control valve)
Setting range
Factory setting
5 ... 250 s
35 s
‘M1 run’ is the time it takes the controlled unit to move from fully closed to fully open
position. Set the ‘M1 run’ according to the example.