Spyder3 S3-14 and S3-24 Monochrome Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 3. Establish Communication with the
Power on the camera
Turn on the camera’s p ower supply. You may have to wait up to 60 second s w hile the camera w arms up
and p rep ares itself for op eration.
Connect to the camera
In ord er for you to com m u nicate w ith the cam era, a serial connection in the Cam era Li nk cable need s to
be established . The fram e grabber m anu factu rers shou ld be able to p rovid e a solu tion in ord er to
com m u nicate throu gh this serial link. Term inal softw are can also be p rovid ed by the fram e grabber
m anu factu rer. Stand ard term inal softw are, su ch as Microsoft H yp erTerm inal, can be u sed if the COM
p ort is allocated by the fram e grabber. Start you r GUI and establish com m u nication w ith the cam era.
Check LED Status
If the cam era is op erating correctly at this p oint, the d iagnostic LED w ill flash fo r 10 second s and then
tu rn solid green.
Software Interface
All the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the ASCII interface.