Spyder3 S3-14 and S3-24 Monochrome Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Step 1. Install and configure the frame grabber
and graphics card
Install Frame Grabber
Install a Base Cam era Link fram e grabber accord ing to the m anu factu rer’s d escrip tion.
A list of fram e grabbers recom m end ed by Teled yne DALSA and su p p orting the Sp yd er3 cam eras is
available on the Teled yne DALSA Web site here:
w w w .teled yned alsa.com / m v/ p rod u cts/ fram egrab bers.asp x
Install Graphics Card
Determ ine the grap hics card that su p p orts you r selected fram e grabber and follow the m anu factu rer’s
installation instru ctions.
Step 2. Connect Power and Camera Link Cables
WARN IN G! Grounding Instructions
Static electricity can d am age electronic com p onents. Please d ischarge any static electrical
charge by tou ching a grou nd ed su rface, su ch as the m etal com p u ter chassis, before p erform ing
any hard w are installation.
The u se of cable typ es and lengths other t han those sp ecified m ay resu lt in increased em ission or
d ecreased im m u nity and p erform ance of the cam era.