Piranha HN RoHS User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Maximum Line Rate Calculations
The maximum line rate in the camera is limited by either the Camera Link row time or the sensor row
line time. The following calculations are used to determine the maximum line rate.
Variables for calculations:
User.SOT = 80 | 160 | 320 | 640
User.CLM = 2(3) | 15(16) | 21
User.SBH = 1 | 2 | 4
User.SDH = 1 | 2 | 4
User.SBV = 1 | 2 | 4
User.SDV = 1 | 2 | 4
User.TDI = 0 | 1
User.STG = 16 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 240 | 256
If User.CLM = 2(3) then CL_Taps = 2
If User.CLM = 15(16) then CL_Taps = 4
If User.CLM = 21 then CL_Taps = 8
Hor_Bin = User.SBH * User.SDH
CL_Row_Time = ( ( 8192 / Hor_Bin / CL_Taps ) + 8 ) / ( ( User.SOT / CL_Taps ) * 1e6 )
HN_Row_Time = ( 3 + ( ( 36 * User.SBV ) + 545 ) ) / 20e6
If HN_Row_Time > CL_Row_Time then HN_Adjust = 0
Else HN_Adjust = Ceiling ( ( CL_Row_Time - HN_Row_Time ) * 20e6 )
If User.TDI = 1 then HN_Rows = User.SDV
If User.TDI = 0 then HN_Rows = ( ( User.STG / User.SBV ) + 7 )
HN_Time = ( 3 + ( ( ( 36 * User.SBV ) + 545 + HN_Adjust ) * HN_Rows ) ) / 20e6
Max_Line_Rate = 1 / HN_Time