T4/T8 Thermal Image Camera User Manual
[1] Power key
Press and hold the Power Key for > 3 seconds to power on/off the camera.
Note: After powering off, please wait ten seconds before powering the camera on
[2] Select/Auto key (Marked “A”)
The “A” or attribute button performs 2 functions.
a) The first function is modification of selected parameters. It is obtained by a quick
press and release (less than 2 seconds), with this functions to modify their parameters.
Subsequent presses will “scroll” through the available parameters. The selected
function will be highlighted in yellow. The functions include:
Measurement points, areas, and lines
Points, areas, lines – switching the added points, areas and lines in the interface from
Up to Down, press Menu to set properties, press C to delete the
selected measuring objects.
Color Palette
Pressing the left or right arrows will scroll through the available color palettes,
displaying their name above the palette. The selected palette will become active after
about 3 seconds of selecting it and will be set as the default power on palette.
Level/Span values
Pressing the left or right arrow will reduce or increase the Span and pressing the up
or down arrow will reduce or increase the Level. If the unit is in Automatic mode,
modifying any of these parameters will select Manual mode.
b)The second function performed is to force an internal calibration cycle. This is
performed by pressing and holding the A key for 5 seconds or more. The camera will
make automatic correction to get the most accurate thermal measurement.
c) Image transmission via blue tooth. Open blue-tooth, select object image, short
press A, it will display sending dialog.
[3] Cancel/Camera key (Marked “C”)
Pressing and releasing the C key cancels the present operation when in Menu
Pressing and releasing the C key when an image is frozen or being viewed from
memory, will return to real-time measurement status.
When not in menu mode or parameter editing, pressing and releasing the C key