T4/T8 Thermal Image Camera User Manual
Down, LEFT, Right” buttons. Press “C” will return into Auto Mode.
When Auto-Enhance Mode is deactivated,can switch between manual and automatic.
Press “A “ button will enter manul mode,it can adjust the pallet with “UP, Down,
LEFT, Right” buttons. Press “C” will return into Auto Mode.
The modes can be switched with the Auto-enhance mode Button.
If select auto mode, the camera will automatic adjust the sense of hierarchicy of the
If select “Auto-Enhancement “ , both High temp target and low temp target can
be viewed in the image.
If select Manual mode, User can set the pallet value to adjust the image quality. Press
“UP” button to increase the level range , press Down to decrease the level range. Press
Left button to reduce the upper limit, increase the bottom limit; Press RIGHT button to
increase the upper limit, decrease the bottom limit.
Alarm Setting
Alarm Types: It is only functioned when measurting. User cab set alarm OFF ,
High temp alarm,Low temp alarm here. It will alarm when proper setting is selected.
Alarm color can be set in “Alarm Color”
Alarm Color: The color of the target area shown on the LCD will be changed into
the alarm color set when the temperature is over the alarm temp. 9 color types can be
selected. If “colorless”is selected, then the color will not change when alarm.
Alarm Temperature: Setting alarm Temperature. Only functioned when it is
Alarmlink: It will automatic saved when there is alarm including snapshots and
video record.