We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
If the unit features plug fans or inverter-controlled fans, including air flow rate control, the screen can be used
to rectify the values measured by the air differential pressure probes in the delivery and return lines. We
recommend that the value measured by a probe be rectified exclusively if the deviation from the measurement
taken by a certified instrument exceeds 10 Pa.
Uscita NO11 HP A10
T aria est.: 10.0°C
Tempo ON: 120s
Tempo OFF: 480s
NO11 output HP A10
Ext.air T: 10.0°C
ON time: 120s
OFF time: 480s
Salida NO11 HP A10
T aire ext.: 10.0°C
Tiempo ON: 120s
Tiempo OFF: 480s
This screen is used to set the parameters required to control auxiliary output NO11.
The second line in the screen is used to set the external air temperature threshold below which the auxiliary
output is activated.
The third line in the screen is used to set the activation time of the auxiliary output when at least one
compressor is ON.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the de-activation time of the auxiliary output when at least one
compressor is ON.
uscita NO11 HP A11
Tempo ON con compr.
OFF: 060s
Attiva in freddo: N
NO11 output HP A11
ON time with compr.
OFF: 060s
Enable in cool.: N
Salida NO11 HP A11
Tiempo ON con
Compr.OFF: 060s
Permitir en frio: N
This screen is used to set the parameters required to control auxiliary output NO11.
The third line in the screen is used to set the activation time of the auxiliary output when all compressors are
The fourth line in the screen is used to set activation of the auxiliary output when the unit is in cooling mode
Uscita NO11 HP A12
Logica: N.C.
Attiva in sbrin.: N
NO11 output A12
Logic: N.C.
Active in defrost: N
Salida NO11 HP A12
Logica: N.C.
Activa en desc.: N
This screen is used to set the parameters required to control auxiliary output NO11.
The second line in the screen is used to set the logic of the output. The possible selections are: NC (normally
closed) and NO (normally open).
The third line in the screen is used to set activation of the auxiliary output during the defrost cycle.
Inserire nuova Aw
Insert new Aw
Insertar nueva Aw
This screen is used to set a new password for the Maintenance menu.
We recommend that the default password not be changed because the risk is that you can
no longer access the protected menus if you forget the new password.
If the password is changed, we recommend writing the new password down in the Notes
pages at the end of this manual.
7.9 Clock menu
The Clock menu is designed to set the current date and time and to enable and set the time slots in password-
protected screens.
Select the item “Clock” in the menu and click Enter to access the Clock branch: screen K0 appears on the
Orologio K0
Ora 10:30
Data 01/01/18
Clock K0
Hour 10:30
Date 01/01/18
Reloj K0
Hora 10:30
Fech 01/01/18