We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
Recupero calore Cn
Logica uscita dig.
Heat Recovery Cn
Digital output
Logic N.C.
Recuper. calor Cn
Logica salida dig.
This screen is used to set the logic of the digital output for the heat recovery unit, if digital control of the bypass
damper has been set in the Cq screen.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the logic of the digital output for the heat recovery unit. The possible
selections are: NO (normally open) and NC (normally closed).
Recupero calore Co
Min.vel.rotore 020%
Min.apert.serr. 030%
Heat recovery Co
Whell min speed 020%
Dmp.min.open 020%
Recuper. calor Co
Min.vel.rotor 020%
Min.apert.comp. 020%
This screen is used to set the min. running speed of the rotary heat recovery unit or min. opening of the
recovery damper, depending on the heat recovery unit set in the Ck screen.
The second line in the screen is used to set the min. running speed of the rotary heat recovery unit (function
not in use).
The fourth line in the screen is used to set min. opening of the recovery damper.
Recupero calore Cp
Sonda regolazione
Heat recovery Cp
regulation probe
Recuper. calor Cp
Sonda regulación
This screen is used to set the reference unit of measure for heat recovery management.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the reference unit of measure according to which heat recovery is
managed. The possible selections are: ambient temperature, temperature in the delivery line, and ambient
Abilitazione Cl
Drivers EVD400 N
EVD400 drivers Cl
enabled N
Habilitación Cl
Drivers EVD400 N
This screen is used to enable the EVD400 driver for electronic expansion valve management. The
corresponding parameters are set in a dedicated branch of the Manufacturer menu.
Scheda orologio S
Clock board Y
Tarjeta reloj S
This screen is used to enable the clock board. Boards pCO3 and pCO5+ have a standard clock board.
Abilitazione Cy
Scheda 2: S
C.A.M.: 100
C.A.R.: 100
Board 2 Cy
enable: Y
C.A.M.: 100
C.A.R.: 100
Habilitar Cy
Tarjeta 2: S
C.A.M.: 100
C.A.R.: 100
This screen is used to enable the expansion board in units requiring one. It is also used to set the calibration
coefficients of the air flow rate in both delivery and return lines, in units where the air flow rate control is
enabled, in cases when the air flows need to be rectified following, for instance, a measurement made with a
certified instrument.
The second line in the screen is used to enable the expansion board.
The third line in the screen is used to set the calibration coefficient of the air flow in the delivery line. For
instance, 110 means that the value of the air flow rate in the delivery line measured by the unit is multiplied by
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the calibration coefficient of the air flow in the return line. For
instance, 095 means that value of the air flow rate in the return line measured by the unit is multiplied by 0.95.