We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
The third line in the screen is used to set the evaporation pressure differential which enables restarting of the
switched-off compressor as soon as the evaporation pressure reaches the setpoint plus the differential.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the delay to compressor switch-off when the pressure setpoint
recorded in the second line is reached.
All.alta p.in CO Ga2
Soglia: 39.5bar
Diff.: 4.0bar
Tent.: 3 Int.: 60min
High p.alr.in CO Ga2
Threshold: 39.5bar
Diff.: 4.0bar
Retr.: 3 Int.: 60min
All.alta p.en CO Ga2
Umbral: 39.5bar
Dif.: 4.0bar
Tent.: 3 Int.: 60min
This screen is used to set the parameters required for the high pressure alarm generated by the transducer
(AL74 for circuit 1 and AL76 for circuit 2) in summer mode. As soon as the high pressure threshold is reached,
the compressors in the concerned circuit are switched off instantly and the high pressure alarm generated by
the transducer is displayed. Alarm resetting is automatic, controlled type, in other words the alarm is reset
automatically by running the number of attempts recorded in the fourth line of the screen within the time span
set in the fourth line of the screen. After the max. number of attempts, the alarm must be reset manually. Units
featuring two refrigerant circuits have the parameters in both circuits.
The second line in the screen is used to set the pressure threshold after achieving which a high pressure alarm
triggers, generated by the transducer.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure differential which is designed to reset the alarm as soon
as the pressure drops below the threshold value minus the differential.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the number of attempts and the time span required for automatic
alarm resetting.
Al.bassa p.in HP Ga3
Soglia: 2.0bar
Diff.: 2.0bar
Tent.: 3 Int.: 60min
Low p.alr.in HP Ga3
Threshold: 2.0bar
Diff.: 2.0bar
Retr.: 3 Int.: 60min
Al.baja p.en HP Ga3
Umbral: 2.0bar
Dif.: 2.0bar
Tent.: 3 Int.: 60min
This screen is used to set the parameters required for the low pressure alarm generated by the transducer
(AL75 for circuit 1 and AL77 for circuit 2) in winter mode. As soon as the low pressure threshold is reached,
the compressors in the concerned circuit are switched off instantly and the low pressure alarm generated by
the transducer is displayed. Alarm resetting is automatic, controlled type, in other words the alarm is reset
automatically by running the number of attempts recorded in the fourth line of the screen within the time span
set in the fourth line of the screen. After the max. number of attempts, the alarm must be reset manually. Units
featuring two refrigerant circuits have the parameters in both circuits.
The second line in the screen is used to set the pressure threshold after achieving which a low pressure alarm
triggers, generated by the transducer.
The third line in the screen is used to set the pressure differential which is designed to reset the alarm as soon
as the pressure rises above the threshold value plus the differential.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the number of attempts and the time span required for automatic
alarm resetting.
Ventilatori di Gb
binati N
Condensation Gb
fan in binary mode?
Ventilad. de Gb
binati N
This screen is used to select simultaneous operation of the fans in the external coil.
The third line in the screen is used to enable simultaneous operation of the fans in the external coil. If it is not
enabled, the fans in the two refrigerant circuits operate separately, each driven by the corresponding control
All.LP da pressost.Gd
Limit.ne all.me LP S
N°interventi 03
Intervallo 30m
LP alr.from switch Gd
Lp alarm limit Y
N°interventions 03
Delay 30m
Al. LP interuptor Gd
Limit.alarma LP S
N°intervenc. 03
Intervalo 30m
This screen is used to set the parameters of the low pressure alarm generated by the pressure switch in winter
mode. In summer mode the low pressure alarm generated by the pressure switch can only and exclusively be
reset manually and activates a serious alarm.
The second line in the screen is used to set automatic resetting of the low pressure alarm for a limited number
of times.