We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
This screen is used to configure the parameters required for communication with a supervisory control using
controller port BMS2.
The second line in the screen is used to set the number of communication bits.
The third line in the screen is used to set the parity of communication.
The fourth line in the screen shows the number of communication stop bits.
Visualizza maschera
lingua all’acc. N
Show language
mask at start-up N
Visualiza màscara
idioma al enc. N
This screen is used to enable viewing of the language selection screen in the software when the controller is
The second line in the screen is used to enable viewing of the language selection screen in the software when
the controller is initialised.
Vent.Plug-fan P00
Param.PID mandata
P= 0700m3/h
I= 0060s D =00.0s
Plug-fan P00
Supply PID param.
P= 0700m3/h
I= 0060s D =00.0s
Vent.Plug-fan P00
Param.PID impulsión
P= 0700m3/h
I= 0060s D =00.0s
This screen is used to set the parameters required to control the plug fans or the inverter-controlled fans
installed on the air delivery line. The fan controller is a PID controller with settable parameters.
The third line in the screen is used to set the proportional gain.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the integral time and the derivative time.
Vent.Plug-fan P01
param.PID ripresa
P= 0700m3/h
I= 0060s D =00.0s
Plug-fan P01
return PID param.
P= 0700m3/h
I= 0060s D =00.0s
Vent.Plug-fan P01
Param.PID returno
P= 0700m3/h
I= 0060s D =00.0s
This screen is used to set the parameters required to control the plug fans or the inverter-controlled fans
installed on the air return line. The fan controller is a PID controller with settable parameters.
The third line in the screen is used to set the proportional gain.
The fourth line in the screen is used to set the integral time and the derivative time.
Vent.Plug-fan P02
Acquisizione autom.
portata aria S
Mand.---% Ripr.---%
Plug-fan P02
Automatic acquisit.
air flow Y
Deli.---% Ret. ---%
Vent.Plug-fan P02
adquisición automát.
flujo de aire S
Impu.---% Ret. ---%
This screen is used to set the parameters required for automatic control of the air flow rate setpoint, where this
was enabled in screen Y9 of the Manufacturer menu.
The third line in the screen is used to start automatic acquisition of the air flow rate.
The fourth line in the screen shows the acquired values that are used when the differential pressure probes
are alarmed.
Set sbrinamento P03
Set forzato: -21.0°C
Set no sbr.: 10.0°C
Set defrost P03
Forced: -21.0°C
Disable: 10.0°C
Set descongelat. P03
Set forzado: -21.0°C
Set no desc. :10.0°C
This screen is only displayed if variable defrost is enabled. It is used to set the temperature setpoint required
for the activation of forced defrosting and the de-activation of defrosting.
Par.sbrinamento P04
Param.m: 00.2
Param.q: 12.0
Defrost param. P04
Param.m: 00.2
Param.q: 12.0
Par.descongelat. P04
Param.m: 00.2
Param.q: 12.0
This screen is only displayed if variable defrost is enabled. It is used to set the “m” and “q” parameters required
to calculate the setpoint for defrost starting.