Properly cleaning and maintaining your Super Pro
Dummy Launcher is essential to keeping it in good
working order, and is required for Warranty compliance.
Make sure the launcher is not loaded while performing
After each use, clean the chamber with a .22 Cal.
Stainless Steel cleaning brush and gun solvent (if this is
not done powder residue will build up which will make
insertion and removal of blank cartridges very difficult).
Wipe down entire Launcher thoroughly after each use.
Remove the Firing Pin Mechanism by unscrewing from
the Launcher.
Clean and lightly oil the Firing Pin Mechanism, Shell
Extractor, and the Hinge to keep the Launcher in good
working order.
Never use oil on the main body.
Keep metal tubes in Dummies free from dirt, water,
snow etc. Dirty tubes will severely affect the range of
the Dummy. Dummy tubes can be cleaned with a 12
gauge cleaning brush.
WARNING - Do not leave a power load in the Shell
Chamber or the Dummy on the Launcher when not in