User’s Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc.
Packet Interval:
Select the frame size of voice package from different codec. It defines the time interval
for the VoIP TA to send a RTP packet or voice packet to the receiving side. The smaller the value, the
greater the bandwidth takes, and larger values might cause voice delay.
Approximate Bandwidth Required:
It shows the bandwidth required from different codec and packet
3-2-1-5 CPT/Cadence
The VoIP TA will generate the tones according to the call progress tone parameters table.
The parameters of CPT and BTC serve as the basis of an FXO interface to determine whether or not a
PSTN-call receiving party has hung up the phone. If the following parameters differ from the parameters
of the actual assigned lines, it could cause the FXO to continue to engage a line.
CPT / Cadence
Busy Tone Cadence Measurement:
Check the box to enable busy tone cadence measurement of
FXO port. FXO will learn the cadence of busy tone from PSTN side automatically when Auto Learning is
BTC Detection Sensitivity:
The more sensitivity, the more quickly the FXO port will cut off the call. If
the FXO port often cut off an un-finished call, select less sensitivity.
BTC Volume Threshold:
The detective level for busy tone cadence measurement.